Fountain Pen Inks
Below are the Inks I use most often in my Fountain Pens. Before I list my
favorite inks I would like to note a few things of importance:
Glenn Marcus has superb
reviews of many of the inks I use, so rather than "re-invent the wheel", I
am going to refer you to his webpage
HERE. Be sure to
check out his "Inks of Choice"
There are many great inks
and colors available from the Goulet Pen Company. Goulet has worked very hard to
offer you swabs of all the colors available and even has sample vials available
so you can try out a color before buying a whole bottle. If you want more info
on ink you should definitely check out their website
is a great source of information on inks - check out their ink facts
They also sell a complete selection of inks as all kinds of other pen supplies
Also, before I begin I would like you to note that Waterman Inks
are generally considered to be the "safest" ink for all fountain pens. They also have the best
bottles. The bottle is truly innovative in its shape which allows one to lean it on a
faceted side to accommodate filling a pen when the bottle is less than half
full. I know of no other ink bottle that allows this and other bottles are
impossible to work with when they get too low. Therefore, I save all my empty
Waterman bottles so I can fill them with other inks. I also routinely use
a syringe (syringes are available from Goulet Pens or Pendemonium above) to get the last drops
out of any ink bottle.
So here we go with my favorite inks!

Blue Inks:
Waterman Florida Blue

Waterman South Seas Blue

Diamine Sapphire Blue

J Herbin Eclat de Saphir

Private Reserve American Blue

Private Reserve DC Supershow Blue

Private Reserve Blue Suede

Pilot Iroshizuku Ku-jaku (this ink is a deep turquoise


Blue-Black Inks:
Waterman Blue-Black

Diamine Majestic Blue

Private Reserve Midnight Blues


Red Inks:
Private Reserve Burgundy Mist

Private Reserve Black Cherry


Brown Inks:
Waterman Havana Brown

Private Reserve Chocolate


Green Inks:
Note: Even though the Ebony Blue below has the word "blue" in
it's name. To my eye it is definitely more dark green than blue. Hence, I have
listed it as a green ink.
Private Reserve Sherwood Green

Private Reserve Ebony Blue


Black Inks:
OK - I'm not going to show color swabs of these
inks because - let's face it - black is black! No way you will tell the
difference by looking at black samples on a computer. That being said, in real
life on paper there is indeed a difference.
One of
my all time favorites is Noodlers Bullet Proof Black. It is as black as black
can be and as an added bonus it is "bulletproof" meaning that it cannot be
erased off the paper by water or even bleach! Indeed - it is un-erasable and
therefore considered "eternal". It is therefore my number one choice for writing
checks and signing legal documents, addressing envelopes - anytime I need to
make sure that my writing will not be compromised. Noodlers also makes a super
black ink called "Heart of Darkness" that is also bulletproof and is incredibly
black. One thing that is noteworthy is that although it won't come off the
paper, it cleans up easier than many other inks. It washes off your hands and
cleans out of your pens easily. But once it hits paper - it sticks forever!
Click on the bottle at right to go to the Noodlers website.
My other favorite black inks when I do not need the "eternal"
aspect are:
Black, Mont Blanc Black, Sheaffer Quink Black, and Parker Skrip Black (in that